Polishing Lubricants

from £27.00
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Polishing Lubricants
All diamond products other than our 2-in-1 suspensions require the addition of a lubricant during preparation. The lubricant serves as lubricating and cooling liquid. It has to meet the correct balance between the highest possible removal rate and the best possible surface finish.
Depending on the material to be prepared, and the fine grinding disc or polishing cloth used, the right lubricant has to be selected.
Our water-based lubricants Aka-Lube Green, Yellow and Red utilise a 2-phase system, with particle sizes in the nano range. This allows for the lubricant to get in between the diamonds and the sample into the area where the actual abrasion is taking place. This maximises the lubrication effect.
Water-based lubricants benefit from a high lubrication effect hence reducing heat generation. Along with low evaporation rates this means very stable and uniform preparation. All our lubricants have low viscosity.